How I’m Staying Healthy in Quarantine – Sudio Review

Hey friends! Thanks for stopping by to read this post, I’m so thankful you are here! At the beginning of this whole quarantine, I wrote a post about how I was sticking to my 2020 goals of getting in shape. Well, surprise surprise, quarantine got the best of me, and I took a *few* weeks off from my workouts. I know that this is so cliche to say, but during the weeks when I wasn’t working out or really getting any exercise, I became really sad and depressed. This was also around the same time when I had to postpone my wedding, which no doubt added to the sadness and stress. During these few weeks I gained a few pounds, my skin was breaking out like crazy, and I was also getting crazy headaches. I knew I had to change my routine, but it’s easier said than done.

Working out and eating healthy are two things that are always easier said than done. I knew that I had to pick myself up and stop feeling sorry for myself because of my postponed wedding. I kept telling myself, “well, it’s not like you have to fit into a wedding dress anytime soon, no rush to go on that run. Might as well eat the ice cream while you’re at it!” I get it. I was going through a major emotional roller coaster with everything going on, and I needed some time to heal and just be sad. I’m totally fine with that, but I should have stopped after two or three days. The problem was, this behavior went on for about two to three weeks, which then led to other physical problems.

I had to get back into my routine again. I told myself that I wouldn’t put up with my lousy excuses anymore. If anything, I should be using this time to better myself and come out of this quarantine healthier and stronger than ever. So, that’s what I set out to do!

I am much more of a morning workout person than afternoon of evening. If I don’t get up and run or pick up some weights, then it’s just not happening. I envy Alex because he is able to stick to his workouts in the evening and doesn’t make excuses, like he’s too tired or he’s worked so hard all day he just wants to rest. I wish I could be like that! But, I’m not, so I made it my goal to wake up every morning by 8:30 am (this is still considered sleeping in for me!) and get my day started. So, I start each morning with a celery juice and a large glass of water, then head out on my morning run. Okay, I have to be honest with you all. When I say “morning run”, what I really mean is “morning walk/run”, I try to run as much as I can, but ultimately end up walking about half of my distance. Still, by the end of it, I’m sweatin’ like a dog!

Once I get home from my run, I immediately stretch and then do my weight activities, like arms, legs, and abs. I haven’t been following a strict program, but have been completing workouts that I find on Instagram or Pinterest. One thing that I have been consistent with are my ab workouts. If you follow me on Instagram, then you know that I absolutely hate ab workouts! This is probably because my core is one of my weaker areas, and I would much rather just forget about having a six pack than doing crunches on crunches. However, I have made it my goal to do an ab workout at least 4 days a week, and I have kept up with that, so I am super proud of myself!

After my morning workout is complete, I go about my day as normal. I have been eating this Two Good yogurt for breakfast daily, and love the amount of protein in it and how little sugar it contains! I have a major sweet tooth, so I typically enjoy sweeter breakfasts. This yogurt hits that sweet spot for me without being unhealthy. I throw a handful of almonds in there and pair it with a side of fruit. For lunch, I have been eating the Dole salad kits that I pick up from the grocery store! I especially love the “Endless Summer” and the “Southwest” salad! I don’t know what it is, but whenever I try to make salads from scratch, they never turn out how they are supposed to or just aren’t as satisfying as I had hoped, so I just stick to the salad kits!

Alex and I have been eating really healthy dinners, and I am so excited that we have found so many healthy recipes that we both enjoy! I really need to update my “recipes” section of this blog, and will do that soon. Some of our favorites are healthy Swedish meatballs and a sweet potato, turkey, and edamame bowl. It has been a lot of fun researching new recipes and trying foods that we normally wouldn’t try!

If you are in a quarantine rut in terms of health and fitness, I get it. I’ve totally been there, as you read earlier in this post. I promise you, though, you will feel SO much better about yourself if you start adding some healthy routines into your daily life! Whether it be going for a walk every day, or trying a new healthy recipe a week, I promise it will lift your spirits and your mood. Hopefully some of my routine has inspired you to do something healthy for yourself this week!

Sudio Headphones Review

I’m not going to lie, part of my new and improved routine is all thanks to these Sudio Tolv headphones! As soon as I saw these headphones, I was super excited to try them. Sudio is a Swedish company that has quickly grown global, and their quality and stylish styles cannot be beat. I have been using the Tolv headphones for about two weeks now consistently while I run and workout, and I am so, SO pleased with them! The sound quality is amazing, and they are so adorable. I mean, come on, what girl wouldn’t want pink wireless headphones?!

What caught my eye about Sudio headphones is how chic they are. While everyone is walking around with the same pods in their ears, or chunky headphones, the Sudio Tolv are sleek and chic looking that are definitely eye catching, in a good way. When it comes to working out, the Tolv headphones definitely stand up to any competition. They stay charged for an entire week of workouts, and stay in my ears while I run. The sound quality is incredible! I truly am so happy with these headphones, and would highly recommend to anyone who is in the market for a new pair. They would also make an excellent gift!

You can shop the Tolv headphones or any of Sudio’s products using the code “SWEETSAVLEIGH” for 15% off your purchase! I’ll leave the link to their products here so you can shop your little hearts out. 🙂

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